


The website, to which this legal notice refers, is property of Montserrat Valls Giner, (hereinafter Montserrat Valls or the owner) with registered office in Barcelona, C. Lepant 328, 2º1ª and NIF 37743846H.

All products and services offered from this website comply with current legislation.

—By using this website, you will be a user and it is presumed that you have read and accept our conditions of use and the privacy and cookies policy.

—The information contained on this website and on the products offered from it is intended for people of legal age and for the specifications indicated for each product. Montserrat Valls Giner declines any responsibility if these premises are not met.

Montserrat Valls Giner has obtained the contents and products included in this website from sources considered reliable. Although reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the Information contained is correct, Montserrat Valls does not guarantee that it is exact, complete, or up-to-date. Because of that, consequently, it should not be trusted as if it were. The owner expressly declines any responsibility for errors or omissions in the Information contained in the pages of this Website.

Montserrat Valls reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the content of the Website, the links or the information obtained through it, without prior notice.

In no case will Montserrat Valls, its branches, and/or its administrators, employees and authorized personnel be responsible for any type of damage, losses, claims or expenses of any kind. Thus, whether or not they come from the use of the Website, the Information acquired or accessed by or through it, computer viruses, operational failures or interruptions in the service or transmission, or line failures; The use of the Website, whether by direct connection or by link or other means, constitutes a notice to any user that these possibilities may occur.

It is prohibited to transmit or send through the Website any illegal or illicit content, computer viruses, or messages that, in general, affect or violate the rights of Montserrat Valls or third parties.

Montserrat Valls is not responsible for non-own websites that can be accessed through links (“links”) or for any content made available by third parties.

Any use of a link or access to a non-own website is carried out at the sole discretion and risk of the user. Montserrat Valls does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained by or through a link, nor is it responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or the information obtained through it, including other links or websites, interruption in service or access, or the attempt to use or misuse a link, both when accessing the Website, and when accessing information on other websites from the Website.

On some occasions, this Website uses its own and third-party Cookies to improve our services by analyzing your browsing habits.

Cookies are files that are stored on the user’s computer when browsing the Internet and that, in particular, contain a number that allows the user’s computer to be uniquely identified, even if the user changes location or IP address.

The website is accessible without cookies being activated, although deactivating them may prevent its correct functioning.

If you browse the website, we understand that you accept its use, we recommend that you carefully read our Cookies Policy to have detailed information about the cookies used by this website, the purposes of their use, as well as how to oppose or revoke your consent to their use.


These general conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation.

© Montserrat Valls Giner. All rights reserved.